Picture yourself hungry on a busy day. You won’t be able to stop for a meal. You grab a candy bar. It takes the edge off. You go strong for a while. Then you crash.
Picture your lawn. It’s not very green. You give it a dose of super-green-up-nitrogen-fertilizer. You just gave it the equivalent of a candy bar.
It can be that bad. Chemical fertilizer is a short-term solution for a long term need. This guide is a caution, not an indictment against this type of product.
If using it is your best option, the objective is to lessen any negative impact. You can learn to do that and get better, long-lasting results with the following information.
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How Does Chemical Fertilizer Affect Plants?
These best selling products from the chemical companies are a synthetic source of nutrients. Grass and vegetables are the hungriest of all the plants in your garden. Nutrients in the soil may not be readily available to them. The plant’s growth or appearance then suffers.
Chemical fertilizers are designed to meet those needs. It is the easiest form of nutrients to apply. They come in many different combinations of ingredients.
The advantage comes by isolating the individual nutrients. You can get different formulas and types for unique applications. Specific products are tailored for specific plants, like grass.
The good effects include the quick uptake of nutrients by grass. This depends on using the correct type at the correct time. More on this below.
The bigger question is how does a synthetic fertilizer affect things in a negative way, even canceling out the good results it produces?
Disadvantages Of Chemical Fertilizer
Why is synthetic fertilizer bad?
When chemical fertilizers don’t work right, you lose.
When they work right, you still lose!
“The more you use, the more it grows. The more it grows, the more you mow. The more you mow…”
…the more you wonder why you wanted a lawn in the first place!
Don’t worry. There’s a way to compensate for all this.
The Composition Of Chemical Fertilizer
Will Affect The Results
Each of the nutrients in a formula is for a specific purpose. Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium are the major elements. The N-P-K ratio you see on the label can tell you a lot. What balance is best for your lawn? (Learn about NPK Fertilizer Numbers.)
Grass needs primarily nitrogen. Chemical fertilizers supply this from different sources. The common types of nitrogen in fertilizer for turf are:
Each type of lawn food will have different amounts of any or all of these nitrogen sources. Why does that matter?
It affects the cost. More importantly, your results depend on using the appropriate type for your lawn. Learn the details at Labels: Understanding a List of Fertilizer Ingredients. (coming soon)
Ready For Practical Fertilizer Tips?
Reading all that information doesn’t automatically translate into making a good selection at the store. Do you want a summary of all those details?
Here are tips for evaluating synthetic fertilizer. Use them to select different products depending on the time of the year and where you need to use it.
More expensive chemical fertilizers usually do offer extra value to go with the price. An homogenous pellet has all the ingredients combined in one little sphere. This is the preferred form, although this feature is not always described on the bag.
The benefit is getting a balanced blend of all the nutrients everywhere you distribute the fertilizer. The alternative is to have each of the elements separate in the bag. They tend to be different sizes and weights. When you spread them, the results are very irregular.A Better Quality Fertilizer Pellet
The Very Best Chemical Fertilizer Pellet
You want that pellet to hang around as long as possible, right? Get a formula that is labeled as slow release or controlled release.
If the bag is not marked that way, observe the label for water insoluble nitrogen. This amount should be 20-30% or more. The higher it is, the longer it will last. The terms Ureaform or IBDU also indicate the pellet is coated with a slow dissolving material.
It costs more for a slow release chemical fertilizer. Yet, it is a smarter way to spend your money, and cheaper in the long run.
Here is where you save or benefit:
Deal Or No Deal?
Spending money on lawn fertilizer is something that most people would prefer not to do. How do you feel then, if you go to that expense and trouble, and find the results less than satisfactory?
A frequent question at the garden center was: “Do you have any fertilizer that will really work on my lawn?” Change that profile. Start making an investment in your lawn instead of spending, or wasting, money.
Speaking of good, slow-release fertilizers, have you tried any natural fertilizers lately? It’s true that chemical fertilizers outsell organic fertilizers. But…
Could organic fertilizer be a smarter choice?
Before you continue with or embark on a chemical fertilizer program, consider an alternative. It’s worth looking at another option for a task that you’ll be doing for as long as you have a lawn. See the Differences Between Organic vs Non Organic Fertilizer.
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And remember about that candy bar!
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